untuk bisa melakukan navigasi antar direktori, paling tidak kita harus menguasai tiga perintah dasar
Operasi Sistem Berkas
1. Salin
COPY [/D] [/V] [/N] [/Y | /-Y] [/Z] [/A | /B ] source [/A | /B]
[+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A | /B]]
2. Hapus File
DEL [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] names
ERASE [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] names
3. Hapus Direktori
RMDIR [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path
RD [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path
DELTREE [/Y] [drive:]path [[drive:]path[...]]
4. Membuat Direktori
MKDIR [drive:]path
MD [drive:]path
5. Memindah
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2
6. Mengubah Nama
RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
7. membuat virtual drive
SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path]
SUBST drive1: /D
8. menampilkan daftar direktori
TREE [drive:][path] [/F] [/A]
9. melihat isi file
TYPE [drive:][path]filename
8. mengubah atribut file
ATTRIB [{+R | -R}] [{+A | -A }] [{+S | -S}] [{+H | -H}] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D]]
9. mengatur hak akses file
CACLS filename [/T] [/E] [/C] [/G user:{R | W | C | F}] [/R user [...]] [/P user:{N | R | W | C | F} [...]] [/D user [...]]
10. melakukan kompresi file
COMPACT [/C | /U] [/S[:dir]] [/A] [/I] [/F] [/Q] [filename [...]]
11. memperbaiki partisi
CHKDSK [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]]
CHKNTFS volume [...]
CHKNTFS /T[:time]
CHKNTFS /X volume [...]
CHKNTFS /C volume [...]
12. memanfaatkan fasilitas/feature khusus pada NTFS dengan perintah fsutil dan parameter :
Sumber : Windows® Administration at the Command Line for Windows® 2003, Windows® XP, and Windows® 2000, John Paul Mueller Copyright © 2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
- Drive:
- DRIVE: untuk menuju drive dengan direktori aktif sebelumnya
- DRIVE:\ untuk menuju drive dengan direktori root aktif
- CD untuk berpindah antar direktori dalam drive yang sama. Parameter yang digunakan
- CHDIR [/D] [drive:][path]
- CHDIR [..]
- CD [/D] [drive:][path]
- CD [..]
- DIR untuk melihat isi direktori aktif, parameter-nya adalah
Operasi Sistem Berkas
1. Salin
COPY [/D] [/V] [/N] [/Y | /-Y] [/Z] [/A | /B ] source [/A | /B]
[+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A | /B]]
2. Hapus File
DEL [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] names
ERASE [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] names
3. Hapus Direktori
RMDIR [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path
RD [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path
DELTREE [/Y] [drive:]path [[drive:]path[...]]
4. Membuat Direktori
MKDIR [drive:]path
MD [drive:]path
5. Memindah
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2
6. Mengubah Nama
RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
7. membuat virtual drive
SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path]
SUBST drive1: /D
8. menampilkan daftar direktori
TREE [drive:][path] [/F] [/A]
9. melihat isi file
TYPE [drive:][path]filename
8. mengubah atribut file
ATTRIB [{+R | -R}] [{+A | -A }] [{+S | -S}] [{+H | -H}] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D]]
9. mengatur hak akses file
CACLS filename [/T] [/E] [/C] [/G user:{R | W | C | F}] [/R user [...]] [/P user:{N | R | W | C | F} [...]] [/D user [...]]
10. melakukan kompresi file
COMPACT [/C | /U] [/S[:dir]] [/A] [/I] [/F] [/Q] [filename [...]]
11. memperbaiki partisi
CHKDSK [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]]
CHKNTFS volume [...]
CHKNTFS /T[:time]
CHKNTFS /X volume [...]
CHKNTFS /C volume [...]
12. memanfaatkan fasilitas/feature khusus pada NTFS dengan perintah fsutil dan parameter :
- Behavior
- Dirty
- File
- FSInfo
- Hardlink
- ObjectID
- Quota
- ReparsePoint
- Sparse
- Volume
Sumber : Windows® Administration at the Command Line for Windows® 2003, Windows® XP, and Windows® 2000, John Paul Mueller Copyright © 2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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