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Ozeki Message Server: SMS & MMS Server

Ozeki Message Server, the best sms server software for windows that can downloaded freely in the internet! Coba cek untuk mendownload.
Dengan user interface yang berbasis mirip outlook, driver yang lengkap, dan plugin yang keren. Driver bisa berhubungan dengan banyak jenis hp gsm dan modem. Bahkan disediakan virtual phone sebagai emulator simulasi pengiriman pesan tanpa menggunakan hardware hp atau modem. Mudah digunakan untuk melakukan pemrograman yang membutuhkan komunikasi dengan sms/mms, bisa dengan database, web, mail, dan php. Selain itu bisa untuk otomatisasi dan mempermudah manajemen pesan dalam jumlah banyak, karena bisa dengan mudah memanfaatkan hubungan dengan email. Untuk contoh kode implementasi untuk developer dengan berbagai bahasa pemrograman sudah tersedia di
online manualnya, delphi, java, pascal, php, dll.
Bayangkan saja, mengirim sms lewat web berbasis php, menerima sms kemudian langsung dimasukkan ke mysql, yang bisa dikirimkan ke web dengan mudah. Atau, menggunakan aplikasi java untuk menyimpan data di mysql, kemudian sms server ini mengambil data untuk dikirimkan secara berkala, kemudian menerima data mysql yang berasal dari email yang masuk untuk ditampilkan kembali di aplikasi java. Pengembangan selanjutnya misalkan untuk manajemen mobile banking BCA atau Mandiri. Huh, keren!
Sudah dicoba dan berfungsi dengan baik saat berhubungan dengan Siemen SL55 dan kabel datanya.
Driver yang tersedia:

GSM Phone

GSM Modem
This driver makes it possible to connect a GSM phone to the PC with a phone-to-PC data cable, and to use it to send and receive SMS messages.

CIMD2 Connection
CIMD2 (Computer Interface to Message Distribution protocol) can be used to connect your PC directly to the SMSC of the GSM Service Provider. This way you can send and receive SMS messages over the Internet or a private IP network.

Colour SMS
The Colour SMS driver makes it possible to connect to the Premium Rated SMS service provided by T-Mobile Hungary. This driver accepts incoming SMS messages over HTTP and generates a reply message in the HTTP response.

Eurotel M2M
The Eurotel M2M driver makes it possible to connect to the Premium Rated SMS service provided by Eurotel (Checzk Republic).

The HTTP Premium Rate Service (PRS) driver makes it possible to attach to premium rate SMS services. These services use an HTTP request for each incoming SMS message and they accept a reply message in the HTTP response.

HTTP Client
The HTTP Client driver can be used to connect your PC directly to the SMSC for sendig SMS messages over the Internet. For each outgoing message an HTTP GET request is used. Text and binary SMS message types are supported.

Oskar UCP Connection
OSKAR UCP (Universal Computer Protocol) can be used to connect your PC directly to the SMSC of the Check GSM Service Provider Oskar.

Pannon GSM SSM
The Pannon GSM SSM driver makes it possible to connect to the Premium Rated SMS service provided by Pannon GSM Hungary. This driver accepts incoming SMS messages over HTTP and generates a reply message in the HTTP response.

SMPP Connection
SMPP (Short Message Peer to Peer) protocol can be used to connect your PC directly to the SMSC of the GSM Service Provider. This way you can send and receive SMS messages over the Internet or a private IP network.

TAP Modem
This driver makes it possible to use the XIO/TAP protocol to connect to SMS services. The connection is established through a standard dialup session using a modem.

UCP Connection
UCP (Universal Computer Protocol) can be used to connect your PC directly to the SMSC of the GSM Service Provider. This way you can send and receive SMS messages over the Internet or a private IP network.

Data call
This driver makes it possible to connect a modem to the PC and use it to send and receive data in a standard phone call.

Virtual phone
The virtual phone can be used by developers to test their applications without the need of sending real SMS messages. If the developer phone is installed, the Internet Explorer webbrowser can be used to connect ot the SMS server to simulate SMS sending and receiving.

Plugin yang bisa diaktifkan:

Appstarter plugin
The appstarter plugin can start applications and run scripts on your computer when an incoming message arrives.

Autoreply plugin
The autoreply plugin makes it possible to reply to incoming messages and to forward these messsages to various phone numbers based on the sender address and the message content.

Colour SMS plugin
The colour SMS protocol was introduced by the Hungarian GSM service provider T-Mobile to pass incoming SMS messages to 3rd party content providers in HTTP requests. The applications operated by the content providers return a response SMS message in each HTTP request. This plugin implements this functionality.

Database plugin
With the help of this plugin you can use a database server to send and receive SMS messages. The plugin connects to the database and checks a database table periodically for outgoing messages. If an incoming message arrives it inserts it into another table.

File plugin
The FILE PLUGIN plugin makes it easy to send and receive messages using text files. When an incoming message arrives the plugin creates a text file for the message. If you would like to send a message, all you have to do is place a text file into the outgoing directory.

HTTP Client plugin
The HTTP CLIENT plugin takes incoming messages and passes them in an HTTP GET or an HTTP POST request to an external webserver. The HTML page returned by the webserver can contain SMS messages, that will be sent by the server.

PHP plugin
The PHP plugin makes it easy to build a script that can process incoming messages and create response messages. In this plugin you have all the functionality PHP offers.

POP3 forwarder plugin
With the help of this plugin, Ozeki Message Server will download e-mail messages from a POP3 account and forward the first 160characters of the body of the e-mail message to the phone number specified in the subject line. More then one phone numbers can be separated by a colon.

POP3 notifier plugin
With the help of this plugin you can get SMS notifications about incoming e-mail. The plugin downloads e-mail messages from your POP3 account and send the sender address and the subject as an e-mail mesage to a specified phone number.

POP3 plugin
With the help of this plugin you can use a standard e-mail client, such as MS Outlook Express to download your incoming SMS messages.

SMPP plugin
With the help of this plugin you can connect SMPP clients to the Message Server to send and receive SMS messages. The clients can log into the system a user account created in the Ozeki Message Server manager.

SMTP plugin
With the help of this plugin you can send SMS messages from a standard e-mail client, such as MS Outlook Express. This plugin is often installed along with the POP3 plugin which makes receiving of SMS messages possible.

TCP plugin
With the help of this plugin you can connect TCP/IP clients to the Message Server to send and receive SMS messages.

Tester plugin
This plugin generates random outgoing SMS messages. Good for developing and testing services.

Untuk mendownload, kita harus mengisi alamat email aktif, karena alamat download dikirim lewat email. Software yang didownload berupa evaluasi 30 hari, dengan beberapa sms yang dikirim berisi kalimat: "Ozeki SMS Trial". Harganya USD 499 untuk office sampai USD 3549 untuk developer. Anehnya, tidak tercantum dengan jelas di softwarenya tentang Lisensi ini. Tapi lumayan bisa untuk nyobain dulu. Dengan technical support yang "ramah" (mungkin terlalu ramah, sebulan sekali dikirm emaillol), semua pertanyaan langsung dijawab, seperti jawaban berikut untuk contoh konfigurasi dengan database.


Based on your e-mail I see that you are working with MySQL. Let me give
you some initial information that can be relevant if you wish to send
and receive SMS messages from MySQL.

For creating a MySQL to SMS gateway configuraton, the latest version of
Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is the best option. I suggest you to download it from After download, please check the follow webpages
for configuration instructions: (SQL SMS configuration) (MYSQL connection setup) (MySQL database table layout)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway connects to your database with the MyODBC driver. Previously
we have recommended to use MyODBC v3.51, but we discovered that the latest version
of MyODBC (v5.x or newer) is significantly better. For example it has a much
better unicode character set implementation. I suggest you to use this
MyODBC version when you setup the system:

Best regards,

Mr. Gyula Rabai
technical support

Ozeki Informatics Ltd.
1094 Budapest, Viola u. 20-24/B.
Tel: (36 1) 371 0150
Fax: (36 1) 371 0151

Tnx ozeki, Nanti bakalan di-post lagi kalo ada perkembangan selanjutnya.....razz


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